Thursday, 23 April 2009

Carrier Bags from Marks & Spencer

Why do M&S insist on charging for carrier bags, no other major supermarket does. If I go to a town centre, the last thing I want to do is carry a bag, or a collection of carrier bags. The madness is that the last time I went into M&S I bought over £30.00 of food for which I had to buy two carrier bags, but the £3.50 T/Shirt I bought was placed into a free carrier bag. Beats me!

Grant Bovey & Anthea Turner

Don't you just love it when two people are obviously made for each other, Grant is a complete and utter moron and Anthea really is a stupid cow ( to coin a phrase first used on Hell's Kitchen). To be fair I can put up with Anthea's vacant and self important airs, but Grant has the kind of face you would never tire of punching, not that I would advocate such an action, but the phrase does sum up the inherent dislikeability he seems to conjure up.

Why have they not paid part of their fee money from Hell's Kitchen to those businesses who are owed money when Bovey's companies went into liquidation. He now has the cheek to set up new companies to profit from other's misfortune.

Should people who run companies who go bust owing thousands, not be allowed to run new companies until those old debts are repaid, they should be debarred until creditors agree compensation terms. Do the right thing Grant, pay those small companies with your fee money.

Speed Limits

The absurd view that all we need to do is to reduce speed limits and then road deaths will fall is missing the point. Accidents are primarily caused by bad driving, speed in itself is not the issue. Every day I see examples of people driving carelessly and badly. You see people in front of you coming up to a roundabout, they stop and then look to see if anything is coming, why don't they look before they get to the roundabout, if nothing is coming then they can feed into the roundabout and keep the traffic flowing. Another annoyance are people who join a main road from a slip road, often they do not get up to speed and rather than filter into the traffic, thay just indicate as if they have a god given right to join my lane, forcing me to take avoiding action. Bad driving, poor anticipation and a lack of car control are all more important issues than speed. Why not revert to a man with a red flag walking in front of a car - that would stop deaths, well apart from men carrying red flags that is.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Television News

Why do these bulletins, especially regional TV, report as news, obscure events that simply are not news. And why do they insist on asking what the viewers think. I could not care less what some ignorant chav thinks, so why take up news time for this, or is it a way of cheaply filling time.
Why is there so little business news, no wonder we seem to underachieve as a nation, if so little emphasis is placed on it.