Thursday, 23 April 2009

Grant Bovey & Anthea Turner

Don't you just love it when two people are obviously made for each other, Grant is a complete and utter moron and Anthea really is a stupid cow ( to coin a phrase first used on Hell's Kitchen). To be fair I can put up with Anthea's vacant and self important airs, but Grant has the kind of face you would never tire of punching, not that I would advocate such an action, but the phrase does sum up the inherent dislikeability he seems to conjure up.

Why have they not paid part of their fee money from Hell's Kitchen to those businesses who are owed money when Bovey's companies went into liquidation. He now has the cheek to set up new companies to profit from other's misfortune.

Should people who run companies who go bust owing thousands, not be allowed to run new companies until those old debts are repaid, they should be debarred until creditors agree compensation terms. Do the right thing Grant, pay those small companies with your fee money.

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